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Domain F - Hydrogeology

This domain contains the following knowledge base items: Hydrologic Cycle, Aquifer Properties, Groundwater Flow, Aquifer Storage, Field Applications, Groundwater Geochemistry, and Contaminant Transport.
Yellowstone, MT
Lesson series

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Dr. Martin Helmke

Professor of Hydrogeology, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
about me
I teach courses in hydrogeology, field geology, geophysics, engineering geology, soils, and environmental geology. I have over 30 years of experience as an educator, geology field camp director, researcher, and hydrogeologic consultant. I have worked for academic institutions, government agencies, and consulting firms across the US, and is President of Helmke Hydrogeologic, LLC. I have served as President of the Pennsylvania Council of Professional Geologists and as a Board Member of the Pennsylvania State Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists.
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