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Domain D - Geomorphology and Surficial Processes

This domain contains the following knowledge base items: Basic Processes; Chemical Weathering and Soil Development; Physical Weathering and Mass Movement; Surficial Materials; Fluvial, Wind, Glacial, Karst, Coastal Processes and Landforms ; and Visualization and Analysis.
Hoodoos,  Indian Mtn, AL
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Dr. Jason Patton

Professor of Geology, Arkansas Tech University
about me
I am a Professor of Geology and have over 25 years of combined experience in consulting, state government, and academia. I am a former member of the Arkansas Board of Registration for Professional Geologists, the Arkansas Geological Commission, and the ASBOG Executive Committee serving as President in 2021. While at Arkansas Tech, I have held numerous leadership positions, including serving on Faculty Senate, serving as the Director of the Center for Energy, Natural Resources, and Environmental Studies (ACENRES), and serving as Head of the Department of Physical Sciences.
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